

Life, Sustainability, Zero Waste

DIY Adventskalender – Nachhaltige Ideen

In ein paar Tagen ist es wieder soweit und die Weihnachtszeit beginnt. Für alle die es noch nicht wissen: ich LIEBE Weihnachten. Ich freue mich jedes Jahr riesig darauf und kann es kaum erwarten. Egal, ob es die schönen Lichter überall, die schöne Deko zuhause, der Duft nach Glühwein oder die leckeren Plätzchen sind –…


Coronavirus: eight random acts of kindness

Now that I’ve been asking myself for about 20 minutes how best to start such a post, I’ll just start right away. Because I’m going to assume that all of you have been exposed to coronavirus in some way. Some more, some less. No matter how you are affected, I think a little kindness can…

Zero Waste and Sustainable Living Title
Zero Waste

Zero Waste and Sustainable Living

What you should know about Zero Waste Yes, the term “Zero Waste” means not only zero plastics, it means no waste at all. Maybe there are some people on this planet who can really do this. But for the rest of us Zero Waste will be impossible. If that sounds hard for you, don´t worry,…

Sunset Girl in the Grassland

The Ultimate Summer Bucket List

Summer: it´s getting warmer outside, you can feel the sunrays on your skin, the nights are warm, lakes and rivers have a great temperature for cooling downs, everywhere is ice cream available, people are in a really good mood and so on. It´s just a wonderful time. The perfect time for making long-lasting memories and…

The perfect Roadtrip - Schwabentraum

Road Trip: 21 Wonderful Tips

We love Road Trips and we would like to help you to make wonderful experiences while tripping with the car. Traveling along the road gives you a wonderful feeling of freedom. The freedom to explore places that can be hard to access in any other way. Making a Road Trip is a really special way…

Things do on rainy day - Schwabentraum

Rainy Day: 25 Things to Do

There’s nothing better than a rainy day. Don’t get us wrong we totally love the summer and the sun but sometimes we need to slow down a little bit and a rainy day is the best condition for this. There are so many things you can do at home: catch up on sleep, make some…
