Sunset Girl in the Grassland

Summer: it´s getting warmer outside, you can feel the sunrays on your skin, the nights are warm, lakes and rivers have a great temperature for cooling downs, everywhere is ice cream available, people are in a really good mood and so on. It´s just a wonderful time. The perfect time for making long-lasting memories and working off your bucket list with yourself, with your friends and of course also with your family.
Each year we´re super excited about summer and the time ahead, cause we have so many great ideas what to do. We want you to make the best of your summer (especially if you´re at home and not on holiday) and create unforgettable moments. Therefore we made the ultimate summer bucket list with incredible inspirations for your summer. So, put down your laptop, turn off your TV and get ready for an unforgettable summer.

I love how summer just wraps it´s arms around you like a warm blanket.

Kellie Elmore

1. Dance barefoot in the rain

Do you know these days in summer, when it starts to rain after it was unbelievable hot the whole day long? I love these days. Could a hot day end any better than with a refreshing rain? Yes, definitely. If you dance barefoot in the rain. It doesn´t matter how you look while your dancing, the only thing that matters is that you´re feeling good.

2. Try out SUP

By now I’ve never tried it myself. But I´ll definitely try it out this summer, cause it must be such a great feeling (it´s sports and fun at the same time). My sister has made a SUP tour during sunrise and she showed me incredible pictures. So, let´s try it out this summer.

3. Send a vacation card to your loved ones, even if you´re spending your holiday at home

Maybe I´m kind of old-school but I really love sending and receiving letters and postcards. What about you? Even if you don´t love it as much as I do I think it´s a great feeling to make somebody a joy. So, think about the person who would get the most excited about your postcard and send him or her a wonderful postcard.

4. Bring a hammock to your favourite place and spend your day there

Hammocks make me always feel unbelievable good. I love the feeling of being totally relaxed and swinging around. I would love to have these good feelings not only on holiday but also at home. So, my plan is to find a wonderful place where I could install my hammock and spend the whole day. What about you? Where would you love to spend your day? Go to this place, install your hammock and have an unbelievable good day.

5. Take each day a picture of yourself or something you did and put the picture in your summer photo album

What is the best about this summer bucket list? You´ll make incredible memories during your summer. And it´s amazing if you have these memories not only in your mind, but also in an album. So, you have an album which reminds you of your best summer. I promise you, you´ll love it. And don´t forget to show it to your loved ones.

6. Make a water pistol fight with rainwater

I´m sure you have already made this as a child and it was a lot of fun. If you haven´t made it by now, you should do it as soon as possible, cause it´s a perfect refreshment.

7. Eat ice cream for breakfast

Could a day start any better then with ice cream for breakfast? I think not, especially not if it will be a hot summer day. If you have enough time the day before, make your own ice cream. Choose your favourite type and let the party begin.

8. Make an outdoor workout instead of going go the gym

If you´re an early bird, sunrise would be the perfect time for this. The air is super fresh, the temperatures are comfortable, and you can hear the birds twittering. I love this time and it´s a wonderful start of your day, especially when you´re doing sports while enjoying this perfect time.

9. Set up a stand where you sell homemade products like lemonade or ice cream

Have you ever tried out homemade products like marmalade, ice cream or lemonade? It makes a lot of fun. Especially if you´re selling your self-made products afterwards at your own stand. As a child I´ve done this various times and I can´t wait to do this again.

10. Make S´mores

We´ve tried this is out for the first time last summerwhile we made a bonfire with friends and it was soo super delicious. And I can´t wait to do this again this year. What about you? Have you already tried it out? If not, here are some recipes.

11. Sleep on a trampoline

I love trampolines and I´m sure you like them too. It´s always so much fun. As a child I always wanted to sleep on my friend´s trampoline, but our parents didn´t allow it. Now I can allow it to myself, but the problem is now, that I haven´t got a trampoline. So, if anyone of you has got a trampoline where I can sleep at least one night, please send me a message. If not, I´ll tell you when we´ve got a trampoline (believe me this day will come at latest when we have kids) and then you can sleep on our trampoline.

12. Make sangria for you and your neighbours (no matter if you know each other or not)

To be honest, I´m not a wine drinker, nevertheless I think Sangria is a great invention. Especially on a summer evening. But of course, you shouldn´t drink the whole sangria on your own, so why don´t you invite your neighbours? Even if you won´t get best friends, it´s a great act of kindness. And I´m sure you´ll have a wonderful evening.

13. Spend a whole day with your friends at a big water park

Besides ice cream water is simply the best at a hot summer day. So, water parks are an incredible way how to spend your day. And the day will be even better when you´re accompanied by your friends. So, what are you waiting for? Choose a waterpark and have an unforgettable day.

14. Go strawberry picking

Fresh strawberries are so unbelievable delicious, especially when you´re picking them yourself. There are a lot of farms, where you can do that. Here´s an example of a farm where you can do that and what you have to take into consideration. It´s a great way to start a family tradition, so what are you waiting for?

15. Plant sunflowers

I´m definitely obsessed with planting stuff. No matter if I´m planting vegetables, fruits or flowers – I love it. Planting sunflowers is a great project for your summer. So, start to plant them in your garden or in a flowerpot in the beginning of your summer. Then you´ve got the whole summer to take care of your little babies. Remember when they bloom that you collect the seeds for next summer.

This was part 1 of our summer bucket list, stay tuned for part 2. Can´t wait to share it with you.

And now it´s up to you. Tell us what you´re thinking about Mondays? Did our article changed your thoughts? Or do you have anything to add, some questions or some more important stuff?

And now it´s up to you. Create unforgettable summer moments! Of course there will be also some rainy days during your summer, so here are some further inspirations for your summer. But no matter who the weather is, what counts is that you have an incredible time. So, what are you waiting for?

Share your thoughts and inspirations with us in the comments below. What is your favourite thing to do in summer? What is already on your summer bucket list? We would love to read about it.

Bleibt gesund und passt gut auf euch auf!
Alles Liebe,

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